Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cocks I've Recently Touched

by Ani Smith

One with light brown pubic hair whose owner seemed darker-haired
One covered in latex which stayed that way
One small and loving
One soft one despite my best attentions
One fat and large one curiously out of proportion with its lanky owner
One dark one
One with a dry patch on its underside
One facing east, showing me its beauty mark
A spurter
A squirter
A quick one
One which seemed made to fit my mouth
And one with no sense of direction

Ani Smith lives in London though she is not English. She blogs at though she is not a blogger. Her words have appeared in > kill author, Dogzplot, PANK and elsewhere.
SSFuck: What is one thing you did this week that you are proud of?
Ani: My eye make-up looked pretty good today.